Full Body Massage 
A restorative holistic treatment using Swedish massage, deep-tissue and acupressure to relieve muscle tension and reset the mind and body. 
75-minutes £60   
90-minutes £70   

30 minutes spent on the back, neck and shoulders, to fully work into tight muscles and relieve any knotty areas.
Special focus is given to the hamstrings, quads, knees, calves and shins, reviving muscle tone and loosening stiff joints, before moving onto a dreamy foot massage.
Soothing massage is applied to forearms, wrists and hands before moving on to the clavicle, shoulders and upper arms.
The 90-minute treatment includes the addition of a relaxing face and scalp massage, including acupressure and lymphatic drainage.
60-minute Treatments
Choose from a range of treatments targeting different areas.
All include 30 minutes spent on the back, neck and shoulders, to fully work into tight muscles and relieve any knotty areas.
60-minutes £50

60-minute Muscle Recovery
An invigorating and energising muscle recovery on the legs (front and back), a dreamy foot massage, and soothing restoration on the back, neck and shoulders. Perfect for reviving muscle tone, loosening stiff joints and combating post-exercise DOMS.

60-minute Desk-based Posture Reset
A relaxing and restorative treatment targeting areas impacted by poor posture, focusing on tight and tense muscles in the back, neck and shoulders, arms and hands. Perfect for those who work at a desk, or on tasks where the head and neck are forwards and shoulders rounded. 

60-minute Stress & Tension Relief 
A relaxing, restorative treatment focusing on areas of tension in the upper body, including back, neck and shoulders, jaw, face and scalp. Perfect for those carrying stress and tension in their neck and shoulders, or suffering tension headaches and migraines, or that grind their teeth.

Back, Neck and Shoulders Focus 
Using a combination of Swedish and deep-tissue massage, this treatment allows an indulgent massage of the key areas of stress and tension held in the upper and lower back, hips sides, neck and shoulders. 
Each treatment is bespoke to the client’s specific needs, paying focused attention to problematic, tight and knotty areas. 
30-minutes £35
45-minutes £40
60-minute £50
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